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Helping you win funding 

to grow your business

Grant writing and technical writing services
for innovative businesses creating impact

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Make the first impression count.


We both know it: messages that don't resonate get lost in the noise.


You need someone who can

...communicate what you have to offer easily and compellingly.
influence the reader'
s thinking and actions with words alone.


I can get you the YES you want.  

If this is you, we should talk...

  1. You're applying for R&D and innovation grants to scale your business.

  2. You don't have time to apply to all these funding opportunities anymore, or 

  3. You're looking to improve your success rates.


Noortje Profile Picture Vancouver Grant Writer

I can help.

You see, writing compelling narratives is kind of my thing.


As someone who has paid for her entire Ph.D. research with 23 awards and grants worth a whole lot of $$$, I know exactly what language appeals to your audience. Whether you want them to invest or give you a grant, I will convince them to choose you.



Secure that amazing grant

I know how to craft a winning proposal that will expertly position your business as the solution. Sit back and relax while I help you rake in that dough. 


Have your grant application pack a powerful punch  

Together we'll create a strong case for why your project deserves funding without boring the adjudicators to death. 


Sound more approachable

It can be challenging to make something highly technical compelling to others. Let me help you translate your ideas into engaging stories that highlight all the important stuff without dumbing it down.

Curious to learn more about me? 

Services at a glance

grant writing

Submit a strong grant application & boost your chances of securing the funding you deserve

grant coordination

Keep track of all your grant applications & have a funding strategy in place to help you identify and pursue the right opportunities


Focus the impact of your writing or grant application by ensuring it's crystal clear, easy to read & free of errors  

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I am here to help YOU succeed. Let's chat!

Book your FREE 20-minute discovery call today*


*Rest assured that I will only offer you my services if I think I can actually help you.

Professional grant writer and technical writer based in Haarlem, Holland.

Serving Canadian clients remotely.

Copyright ©2025 NOORTJE WRITES NL

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